In our last installment, our plucky heroes had taken a sojourn amongst the growing coyotes. They then continued on until they saw a sign:
I would never use these words myself, but they seemed to enjoy them.
So many new friends! (Apparently, the real title is ‘Piazza D’Arte’.):
So many new friends! (Or fiends?)
This guy seemed a little…overly friendly. Luckily, he seemed to be constrained by the multicoloured shield[1].
This guy seemed a little…overly friendly. Luckily, he seemed to be constrained by the multicoloured shield.
Next, M & S perused a strange bird/hammock structure, while the stork in the foreground made efforts to reduce workload in order to take some time off:
M & S peruse a strange bird/hammock(?), while the stork in the foreground is making efforts to take some time off.
There was then this sign, introducing a Claude Dragon (not to be confused with Cloud, or Cloud Dragons):
Claude? Does that mean…?
Claude entreated our intrepid heroes to enter, so that they could embark on an important quest. (This story shall be told at a later date…[2]):
Yes! You can store many things in the Claude!
The good news was that this sentry was still there. They are always the first to leave, as they always know which way the wind is blowing:
“You’re so vane, I bet you think this wind is about you…”
There was then this disturbing tableau, which is even more disturbing when you know the story behind why the being is caged, and why there is such a fearsome guardian[3]:
A disturbing tableau. Even more disturbing if you knew the story behind why the cage and the guardian.
The jury is still out as to whether this is still a one-horsecar town.
After many adventures, and many tearful goodbyes with their newfound metallic friends, our heroes embarked on the next leg of their journey, which they had spotted from their perch inside Claude. The FEARSOME MEDUSA!
Today, M joins our heroes as they explore the dusty playa, meet coyotes, and see all manner of art.
In our last installment, our heroes experienced some of the most sublime nighttime fire art. Today, they explore dusty coyotes, and all manner of other odd installations.
But first, an installation which is an eloquent commentary on Burning Man culture (and probably culture in general):
I’m assuming they’re talking about the bird.
Moving on, our intrepid heroes came across an unusual garden. S ran inside, in the hopes…:
Is this what she thinks it is?
…that…yes! It was the garden where coyotes were grown! Long had she spoken to and tried to follow the way of Coyote, but now she had found the source! (Or rather, *a* source. Like Surprise Elementals, it is often difficult to figure out Coyote.):
It is! I am excited and terrified at the same time.
Pausing for a few moments so that she could commune (and slightly alter the growing coyotes), we spent some time talking to this guy:
*All* cool coyotes wear shades.
And learning about the importance of registering hugs[1][2]:
Registration is important.
There was also an interesting barbecue/weather vane combination, which seemed to be an important part of the religious conversation on playa:
Religion often takes a different turn on playa.
Next time, the Freak Show continues, with metallic dragons[3]!
[1]It is very important, especially with repeated hugging, to not let them get out of register. Els eyo uma yencounte rsomethin glik ethi s.
[2]Astute readers may notice the phone number in the picture.
Today, we follow their adventures as they experience some of the best that playa has to offer in the way of fire art.
First, they met up with The Grasshopper and El Pulpo Mechanico. The Grasshopper they had not met before, but he seemed a friendly sort. El Pulpo was one of the mythical creatures of the Burn, visible from almost anywhere on playa, with a continual pied-piper-esque chase group of bicycles. Mythical for many reasons, not the least was the fact that there were so few seats that it was almost impossible to ever catch a ride.
This was one of our most magical moments. It’s difficult to express the fundamental beauty of flame effects set oh-so-perfectly to music, or just the feeling of the friendly competition. All I can do is show you some of the pictures.
Here we see a short video of the two of them having a musical chat:
They’re firey friends[1]!:
The Grasshopper and El Pulpo Mechanico, firey friends.
Here is S, amongst myriad onlookers, trying to get the perfect shot:
Amongst myriad onlookers, S tries to get the perfect shot.
A few animated .gifs expressing the joy of the occasion:
*FOOM* *hee hee!**hee hee* *FOOMFOOM* *hee hee*
And one capturing the fiery friendship between these two lovable characters:
El Pulpo and The Grasshopper, continuing their fiery friendship.
Our heroes were then drawn by the fiery clarion call of the Serpent Mother:
Serpent Mother roars!
The audience was transfixed:
The audience is transfixed by Serpent Mother.
Looking more closely, you can see the care put into the installation, all the moving parts and accumulators, and the labeling of each part:
It’s very important to label your vertebrae.
Elated, our heroes took the bridge back to the installation, and then home for a well-deserved rest:
In our last installment, our heroes had gone a little playa-crazy from their adventures in the land of test pattern.
Now, it was time for them to rest and reflect on what they had experienced.
But first, the nose car:
Nose car.
Our intrepid heroes encounter a strange tent, titled ‘True Reflections Palace’. An arched entranceway beckons them in…:
What awaits inside? (It’s difficult to tell because the sign is itself reflective.)
A welcoming sign:
This is the coolest tape we’d seen outside of Japan.
It turns out that ‘True Reflections’ are what happens when you reflect a person’s image in such a way that it looks to them like they look to other people:
This was really spooky.
Of course, there were tinker toys, distracting to builders such as our heroes:
Tinkers toy!
Aha! The truth revealed!
Some research on this topic:
This is they type of coverage that you may have seen of this before, how the two halves of of the face are seen very differently, and how swapping them can have huge effects, most often done to celebrities so that people will click the link:
Not even Bruce Willis is immune.
Some interesting commentary on the psychology of changing how someone sees themselves, possibly similar to people hearing themselves speak:
How people respond to their ‘true reflection’.
They can probably tell you more, more succinctly and correctly than I can, so I leave you with a blatant (but happy) plug[1]:
A blatant (but happy) plug.
Next time, our heroes encounter a (friendly) match between El Pulpo Mechanico and his grasshopper friend, and visit the Serpent Mother. Stay tuned!
[1]They are really cool, though. I feel like I look totally different in the ‘true mirror’, like twice as attractive. I wonder if this would help people understand privilege better…
The time spent in the land of Test Pattern may have had some lasting effects on our heroes:
There were lessons in geometry[2]:
And they had some strong opinions about possible art installations:
Next time, more nocturnal adventuring!
[1]Available in our new graphic novel: “*BEEEEP*: Adventures in the land of Test Pattern”
[2]It’s again difficult to express how normal every thing posted here feels, and/or felt at the time. These are moments special to us, but they were very typical of the experience.
In our last installment, our heroes played with fire, all over the Charnival. Today, they go on a quest to the land of test pattern, where happy colourful creatures abound.
First, S disguises herself as a test pattern creature, and practices the dance they are famous for:
S practicing the famous ‘test pattern dance’, performed by test pattern creatures the world over.
Our heroes consulted with the wandering art piece ‘Desert Flower’, which told them to consult with the Contraptionists. It mentioned that the Contraptionists would be better able to direct them to the test pattern creatures, as the creatures often stopped there because of the brightly coloured snow cones:
On the right you can see ‘Desert Flower’, a wandering art piece made by an artist from Toronto.
It also offered suggestions for traveling bicycle music[0]:
Once there, S performed her best test pattern impression, and our heroes sat down to wait (and consume snow cones):
S, waiting in line at the Contraptionists, doing her best test pattern impression.
Here, you can see the Contraptionists, hard at work shaving ice:
The Contraptionists, hard at work.
Luckily, there was another guide our heroes met. One of the Contraptions had a clue. Once S had performed the call sign ( 😛 ), it said that ‘the secret is hidden between the wizard staves’:
S, communing with and receiving advice from a Contraption.
Remembering events from 2013[1], our heroes started to make their way back to camp, to consult with the wizards there. On the way, they became lost in a sandstorm, when a peculiarly unseasonable windstorm arrived out of nowhere. Luckily, The Queen Dick was there to offer a landmark:
When winds are high, and visibility low, The Queen Dick is always there to guide your way.
Also on the way back, our heroes encountered an encoded message of some type. Unsure of what it meant, they documented it, and proceeded back to camp to find the wizards:
An encoded message?
Back at camp, they consulted the wizards, who mentioned that when crossed, two full-powered Wizard’s Staves would open a portal to the test-pattern dimension. Then then talked of the rituals that they would have to endure to unleash their full power. After mentally preparing themselves, they settled in to each drink themselves a Wizard’s Staff.
First was Longship, proudly wearing his Totenkitten cape:
Longship proudly wears his Totenkitten cape.
Then was the brave DB, with his impressive Wizard’s Staff:
DB’s impressive Wizard Staff.
Together, they battled through many obstacles, until finally the staves were built. But that is a story for another time.
Stay tuned next time for night four, climbing edition!
[0]Note that these two videos were auto-stabilized by YouTube. What do you think?
[1]This was not the first occurrence of ‘Wizard’s Staff’.
[2]Wizard’s Staff (Burning Man edition) is a game played in two stages. During the first stage, the wizards-in-training consume beer (Tecate[3] is preferred), duct-taping the new beer each time to the top of the eponymous ‘Wizard’s Staff’. Once they feel they have consumed adequate amounts of beer, the second stage begins. The second stage involves bicycle jousting, using the above-mentioned Wizard’s Staves (not pictured).
[3]Tecate is a unique part of the Burning Man experience. Often the only beer left in stores, it is purchased and brought to playa in great quantity. For the unique playa experience, it is best served warm.
In our last installment, our heroes had met up with M, and gone on excursions with their new Manta Ray friend, ending up at night three of the Charnival.
Today, we continue to follow their adventures through the Charnival, starting with S and Splat playing FaIRE Hockey (not shown: FaIRE Zamboni):
S and Splat play FaIRE Hockey. (Not shown: Fire Zamboni)
Marc and Splat playing FaIRE Hockey:
Seth wielding his (third) favourite fire device[1], as Riskee Ball looks on from the background:
Seth wields his (third) favourite fire device[1], as Riskee Ball looks on from the background.
The conversation continues *FOOM* as *FOOM* Riskee Ball *FOOM* *FOOM* *FOOM*.
The conversation continues *FOOM* as *FOOM* Riskee Ball *FOOM* *FOOM* *FOOM*.
Riskee Ball does not rest[2]. It waits.:
Riskee Ball does not rest. It waits.
Next the focus shifted to ‘Flaming Hookers’, which was a carnival game where you tried to get a ring on a string to sit on a hook on the main body of the device. The string was conductive, so when the circuit was complete, fire would happen. This is a story about this happening:
“Okay, let’s try this again…”“Okay, the ring almost caught…”“…the ring is on the hook! Wait for it…”*FOOM*
Finally, we’ll end off today with a video which we feel best captures the windy, dusty, fiery nature of Charnival. See how many of the exhibits you can name!:
Next time, more adventures and Charnival night four!
[1,2]Note that Riskee Ball uses pilot lights. Seth is carrying the ‘propane-torch-on-a-stick’ that is used to light them.
In our last post, our hero went exploring, and found games and coyotes!
Today, we follow him on his excursions, following his new friend, the Manta Ray. He had first met the Manta Ray a few days prior, as his keeper was setting up. Here, you can see him, playfully following a bicyclist in the distance:
A bicyclist and his new Manta Ray friend!
The Manta was feeling somewhat parched, so they went for snow cones at the Contraptionists. The Contraptionists were able to adapt one of their manual[1] snow-shaving machines for Manta Ray, so all were able to contibute:
Another stop at the Contraptionists for snow cones!
They then went to visit some of their shiny fish-like friends at the daily force-push demonstration. The Manta glided around in the distance, as he was wont to do.
I think she was doing some sort of force push. Also, shiny fishmobile as the Manta Ray glides around in the distance.
They then went off to the French Quarter to attempt to procure some baked goods:
Esplanade, biking towards the French Quarter.
On the way back, they stopped at a BLM information booth and got a sense of the scale of playa:
If you thought Burning Man was big…
As night fell, M joined our heroes, and communed with the Manta for a time, before he glided off into the night, for exploration and quiet contemplation:
M came with us to commune with the friendly Manta Ray.
Back at the Charnival, a party was brewing, ships were gathering, bikes were blinking:
Ships of the Tron.
And Ben was playing with fire (and 2piR), as he does:
Ben, looking like he’s almost on fire, as usual.
Next time, more of Charnival in action! Everything on fire!
In our last post, our hero ventured forth and discovered many new areas. Today, we cover some of his travels on the way back to camp, to deliver his collected stories about his travels.
First, a commentary on commodification (or perhaps yoghurt?)[1]:
For Sale: Culture
But then, something even more magical! An entire playground of comically oversized board games! First, chess!:
A gigantic chess set?
Then Jenga! Much more fun than the scary scaffolding![2]:
“You take a 2×4 from the bottom, and you put it on top…”
There’s something about hexagons that makes Settlers so tempting to enlarge.
“I’ll trade you sandy sheep for sandy grain?”
I did quite enjoy the instantiation of the resources:
“I’ll trade you dusty sheep for dusty beer?”
Magic Labyrinth! Always surprisingly difficult:
“Kite, then mushroom, and *then* ice cream?”
Scrabble! The gigantic game back at home that was half of the inspiration for Biggle!:
“Do note the ping peen. It is my erstwhi e creed.”
Moving on, our hero encountered a strange sight:
“FUR” “But what does that smaller sign say?”
‘FUR’? An ‘Acme’ Tupperware tub? Coyote Garden? Either this is going to be fantastic or fantastic and ‘meep meep!’:
“An Acme tupperware tub? Coyote Garden? Uh oh.”
Apparently, ‘FUR'[3] camp extends a long ways. We’ll revisit these friendly folks later:
A…somewhat odd…Eeyore shows us the way to the rest of FUR.
Apparently, the current location is 5:30:
FUR PORTAL (and trampoline).
“Please do not put colourful shoes inside the coyotes.” “Or does it say ‘Please *do*’? I’m never sure about these things.”:
“Please do not put colourful shoes inside the coyotes.”
Next time, night falls, S tries out FaIRE hockey, and much fire is had. Stay tuned!
[1]I’m not sure who’s in this pic with me. Any ideas?
[2]Wait…Is that gigantic truth or dare Jenga?!?
[3]My guess is that this camp was an oasis for people who enjoyed wearing fur in various ways. During the day, I could only imagine how difficult that would have been. However, by the end of the week, everyone wanted to be them…
In our last post, we wrapped up night two of the Burn proper (Monday night). On Tuesday morning, while our intrepid heroine was resting, our hero went out to exploreatore the surrounding areas.
First, there was ‘Lip Bomb’, one of the more interestingly themed (or at least named) drinking establishments. It being early in the day, the establishment was empty. This was fine, as our heroes did not frequently frequent such establishments, preferring interacting with art to interacting with groups of people:
One of the more interestingly themed (or at least named) drinking establishments.
One of the more interesting instances of truck art, presumably to cover corporate logos:
One of the more interesting instances of truck art, presumably to cover corporate logos.
The illuminated sheep! And not so illuminated!:
This is what an illuminated sheep looks like during the day.
And where it goes home to roost!:
Ah. And this is where it lives.
Next was this cutest group of yurts. Looking back, it seems that our hero was unsure what their purpose was, dwelling or not, and did not investigate further:
This was the cutest little group of yurts.
They did continue to be cute and colourful, though:
More of the cutest, most colourful group of yurts.
Finally, one of the most interesting places on Playa (and not just because of the name), the ‘Burners Without Matches’, who practiced using lenses to focus sunlight (of which there is abundance on playa) to burn the surface of wood to create pictures. Here it was discovered that a Stegosaurus friend was hiding just under the surface, just waiting to come out:
Possibly the coolest activity (and not just because of the name). A new Stegosaurus friend was found here.