Burning Man in Pictures XXXVIII: Friendly Manta Ray and a New Visitor!

In our last post, our hero went exploring, and found games and coyotes!

Today, we follow him on his excursions, following his new friend, the Manta Ray. He had first met the Manta Ray a few days prior, as his keeper was setting up. Here, you can see him, playfully following a bicyclist in the distance:

A bicyclist and his new Manta Ray friend!
A bicyclist and his new Manta Ray friend!

The Manta was feeling somewhat parched, so they went for snow cones at the Contraptionists. The Contraptionists were able to adapt one of their manual[1] snow-shaving machines for Manta Ray, so all were able to contibute:

Another stop at the Contraptionists for snow cones!
Another stop at the Contraptionists for snow cones!

They then went to visit some of their shiny fish-like friends at the daily force-push demonstration. The Manta glided around in the distance, as he was wont to do.

I think she was doing some sort of force push.  Also, shiny fishmobile as the Manta Ray glides around in the distance.
I think she was doing some sort of force push. Also, shiny fishmobile as the Manta Ray glides around in the distance.

They then went off to the French Quarter to attempt to procure some baked goods:

Esplanade, biking towards the French Quarter.
Esplanade, biking towards the French Quarter.

On the way back, they stopped at a BLM information booth and got a sense of the scale of playa:

If you thought Burning Man was big...
If you thought Burning Man was big…

As night fell, M joined our heroes, and communed with the Manta for a time, before he glided off into the night, for exploration and quiet contemplation:

M came with us to commune with the friendly Manta Ray.
M came with us to commune with the friendly Manta Ray.

Back at the Charnival, a party was brewing, ships were gathering, bikes were blinking:

Ships of the Tron.
Ships of the Tron.

And Ben was playing with fire (and 2piR), as he does:

Ben, looking like he's almost on fire, as usual.
Ben, looking like he’s almost on fire, as usual.

Next time, more of Charnival in action! Everything on fire!

[1]Pedual, really.

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