Building the Mirror Blaze in Pictures VI: Our First Panel!

Last time, we talked about the Tube(!) arriving, and various bits of design we had to do to safely encapsulate a flame in an acrylic maze. Today, we talk about how we started to build the ‘production'[1] maze.

S, in triumph, just after we completed our first production panel.
S, in triumph, just after we completed our first production panel.

Here is the ‘mirror panel production’ setup that I put together, using other 4×4 component posts to hold the mirror and posts we were working on up, along with supporting the mirror in the middle so that it would be as flat as possible for repeatable drilling.

Our panel assembly station.  Note the use of 4x4 posts to hold and support the mirror while it is being drilled and hinged (and unhinged!).
Our panel assembly station. Note the use of 4×4 posts to hold and support the mirror while it is being drilled and hinged (and unhinged!).
Lyra was suspicious, but came to help anyway.
Lyra was suspicious, but came to help anyway.
We are so proud!  (Note the marks on the mirror, which came from a car show).
We are so proud! (Note the marks on the mirror, which came from a car show).
The word 'hasp' will only be funny to avid Jon LaJoie fans.  (Note that he is often quite NSFW.)
The word ‘hasp’ will only be funny to avid Jon LaJoie fans. (Note that he is often quite NSFW.)
I had a number of drawings like this in my book.  Note that this one shows that crossed hinges on the same side of the post were untenable.  More on this later.
I had a number of drawings like this in my book. Note that this one shows that crossed hinges on the same side of the post were untenable. More on this later.

I had a number of drawings like this in my book. Note that this one shows that crossed hinges on the same side of the post were untenable. More on this later. Stay tuned!

[1]The maze that we would actually take in pieces to the desert, and assemble, and have people walk through.

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