Burning Man in Pictures XXXIII: Ceci N’est Pas Une Poste

Bonjours. La derniere fois, nos aventuriers intrepide sont aller dehors au playa envers minuit, at ils ont decouverts des secrets tres grave a propos de l’Homme du Pac.

Next to the Pac-Man and multi-ghost bikes was this amazingly intricate massive wooden temple-like structure (I think S might have better pictures):

The most intricate and beautiful temple.
The most intricate and beautiful temple.

While stopped there, this homage to Magritte came up to visit:

Ceci n'est pas un art car.
Ceci n’est pas un art car.
Ceci n'est pas le cote d'un art car.
Ceci n’est pas le cote d’un art car.

Also, there were some cases where it was unclear exactly where the person ended and the conveyance began[1]:

Ceci n'est pas une panda au bicyclette panda.
Ceci n’est pas une panda au bicyclette panda.

Finally, a musical rendition, from Aqua Zone:

‘Aqua Zone’:

Next time, we will get a glimpse into How Many Fucks(tm) Burners give about a wide variety of topics.


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