Less Conventional 4-Quadrant Diagrams: The Horsemen of the Elements

So, 4-Quadrant diagrams are very common in the ‘make-something-two-dimensional-from-something-one-dimensional-and-name-it-after-yourself-and-sell-a-million-business-books’ field.

This series will cover some less commonly used 4-Quadrant diagrams.

First, the Elements:

  Gas   Condensed
|       |       |
| Fire  | Earth |  'Dry'
|       |       |
|       |       |
| Air   | Water |  'Wet'
|       |       |

Now for the Four Horsemen:

Activity Level:
 Human    Biological
|        |            |
| War    |Pestilence/ | Abundance
|        |Plague      |
|        |            |
| Death  | Famine     |  Lack
|        |            |

And as a special treat for those watching my Gold Box series:

 Includes     Does not
  'Pool'      include 
  in the     'Pool' in
  Title:     the Title:
| Pool     | Curse of   |
| of       | the Azure  | No Teleporters
| Radiance | Bonds      |
| Pools    | Secret of  |
| of       | the Silver | Teleporters! 
| Darkness | Blades     |

2 thoughts on “Less Conventional 4-Quadrant Diagrams: The Horsemen of the Elements

  1. The astute among you will notice that ‘Pool of Radiance’ has two zones with teleporters. I had forgotten about these when writing the post above. These teleporters are however confined to a single zone. Those in ‘Pools’ are a major plot point (and are not exactly teleporters), and those in ‘Secret’ are somewhere between a major plot point and a ‘Town Portal’ mechanic used to reduce the required amount of walking.

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