As many of you may know, we recently spent a few weeks in Japan on our honeymoon. Amongst many other things, we were struck by the attention to detail in design of many otherwise quotidian objects.

As many of you may know, we recently spent a few weeks in Japan on our honeymoon. Amongst many other things, we were struck by the attention to detail in design of many otherwise quotidian objects.
Some initial scattered thoughts:
After a mid-flight diversion starting in Alaska, we ended up not flying over Russian airspace. Hope it has nothing to do with Sakhalin.
For some reason, I didn`t see the Bond flick in the movie listings. Also, it`s difficult to watch things when the headphone jack only half works. But kudos to Air Canada. Food was good (we even got cup noodles as a snack!), and people were pleasant.
Finally got down to starting to really plan my part of the trip about 1/3rd of the way into our flight. i5 seems to hold a charge much better in airplane mode (esp. compared to the 3G). Looking forward to exploring neighbourhoods, especially Ikebukuro (いけふ゛くろ).
Looking forward to relaxing.
Question:Is there anythingleft unanthropomorphized in Japan? (I might not be usefully able to anthropomorphize anything…)
Things I learned on the express train from Narita to Shinjuku: I can recognize Japanes, Mandarin, and Korean independantly. (In this particular case, -ida is a giveaway for Korean, and there was a “Ni hao”.)
Japan is pleasant. North America is not. More lazily constructed functional. So many people ready to help at Narita -> train station. Trains exactly on time…like an iPhone, but everywhere.
-Nayrb 😀
So, we went out to Nuit Blanche last night, and I have to say, it was the best we’re ever been to. Probably the most important part was that S and I treated it like a night out, with no specific places to get to (except for one rogue artist friend of ours), and we didn’t book any specific times to meet anyone specific.
Pics soon!
P.S. This is also a re-test of Simple Facebook Connect, which fb broke silently sometime over the past few months. Hooray.