About Me

Sometime soon this page will say some interesting things about me, but for now, you can try out my blog, or check out my company website.

3 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Oh hey there! You took photos of our art piece from last year – 2015 – Burningman. You did indeed get the title right, “Happenstance,” and no, it was not listed in the book . . . since you were meant to “happen” upon it.

    So happy you took photos! Our cameras all died during install, so we never managed to get pics of it at night. Been looking for some evidence of its existence and your post just made my day.

    <3 AgentFin <3

    @agentfin . . . everywhere.

  2. hello there! It is a pleasure to read your words and see your photographs! As it happens, though, it’s about music that I’m writing at this moment. My associates and I wonder if you’d like to give us a hand playing this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKIGs59nRc8 and some other cool stuff in a concert the the end of the month???? We’d be extremely stoked to have you join us!

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