If you wish to make a song from scratch, you must first Invent the Universe…

To write some music, you must first invent some instruments. To do this, one might start with a simple sine wave, then do modulations and superpositions to make various ‘instruments’.

To this end, I did a little bit of research (thanks, soledadpeandes!), and put/cribbed together some python code to make arbitrary .wav files:
# Written 2016-12-26, with special thanks to:
# https://soledadpenades.com/2009/10/29/fastest-way-to-generate-wav-files-in-python-using-the-wave-module/

import wave
import struct
import math

WAV_FILE_LEN = SAMPLING_RATE * 1 # 44.1KHz sampling rate, 5 seconds
MAX_AMP = 32767
SIN_WAV_FREQ = 100 * CORR_FACTOR # Sine wave frequency, in Hz*10 for some reason, 1000 gives 100Hz

output_file = wave.open('test.wav', 'w')
output_file.setparams((2, 2, 44100, 0, 'NONE', 'not compressed'))

for i in range (0,WAV_FILE_LEN):

data = MAX_AMP*math.sin(i*float(SIN_WAV_FREQ)/float(SAMPLING_RATE)/(math.pi/float(2)))
print data
packed_data = struct.pack('h', data)


For those who are curious, this generates a 100Hz sine wave: .

Next up, some experimentation with different pitches, perhaps different timbres. Stay tuned*!

*Also 100Hz.

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