Burning Man in Pictures XXII: Our Heroine Discovers Art Past the Dusty Edge of the World

In our previous post, we had just started our well-deserved afternoon off of exploration, after four grueling days of building. When we last left our intrepid heroes, they had just reached the edge of the world:

We stand on the edge of the world.  What's on the other side?
We stand on the edge of the world. What’s on the other side?

Our first stop was a skeletal sculpture. It combined parts of animal skeletons with the skeletons of metal objects into an impressive whole that somehow expressed the dryness and bleakness of the desert with its subtle beauty:

Our intrepid heroine finds a sculpture where bones of animals meet the bones of metallic civilization.
Our intrepid heroine finds a sculpture where bones of animals meet the bones of metallic civilization.

How tall was this thing anyway?:

How tall is this thing anyway?
How tall is this thing anyway?

Look at the bones!:

Look at the bones!
Look at the bones!

We then happened on another installation[1]:

Our heroine happens upon an installation.
Our heroine happens upon an installation.

And went to investigate:

And goes to investigate...
And goes to investigate…

This installation seemed to be entitled ‘Happenstance’, or perhaps something else entirely. It was a delightful mixture of little ambiguous mini-installations and trompe l’oeil pieces like this one:

Happenstance!  (Is kind of windy?)
Happenstance! (Is kind of windy?)

Our intrepid heroine encountered a flying fish there:

A windy flying fish?
A windy flying fish?

And decided to experience the wind in the only way that made sense:

Experiencing the wind with the flying fish.
Experiencing the wind with the flying fish.

The colour of the installation was this nice light blue, including these boxes or something that we couldn’t figure out:

Another impenetrable part of this installation.
Another impenetrable part of this installation.

(I couldn’t find this installation on the list of Burning Man 2015 projects. Any ideas?)

Next time, we’ll venture even further into deep playa! Hopefully we’ll survive!

[1]I wanted to comment on the indescribable feel of being on Playa, the dryness and starkness and smell of the alkali desert, the feeling of finding little oases such as these as you travel around, but I think it deserves its own separate post.

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