Having finshed unpacking, we returned to camp to build our yurt!:

Presenting our new home for the duration, complete with smiling occupant. Note that I am trying not to shine a headlamp[1] in her face.:

Investigating the rest of camp, we met this guy, and felt reassured by his knowledge of first aid:

Still having some energy, we decided to go back to the installation to take a look around. I gave M & F a hand building some scaffolding. M convinced S to climb up to take a look. Apparently the view was breathtaking:

I contented myself with enjoying the calm of Early Arrival before the multitudes arrived for the festival proper[2]:
Next up: Building building building!
[1]Protip: Headlamps. Not just for Burning Man.
[2]’Early Arrival’ is half a week (or more!) where those who have large installations to setup arrive early. It’s quite something to be living in a city of ten thousand people, every single one of them there to build something. Even the festival proper can’t compare.
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