Post Alpha

My whole life, as far back as I can remember, I’ve been working to get closer to my intuition, and make thoughts more conscious earlier in their gestation period.  After a particularly hilarious mostly unseen fireworks show*, I have the image of a bunch of fish-thoughts swimming under the sea, and I can only make them conscious when they jump out of the water.  What I’ve been trying to do is reduce the height they have to jump before bringing them into consciousness**, perhaps trying to lower the water level***.

Let’s see what happens.

-Nayrb 😀

*It was my birthday, and we were watching my birthday fireworks from the graveyard behind Mel Lastman square, and we were quite proud of having found such an unoccupied space to sit, then we noticed that we could only see the fireworks at the extreme top of their arcs, over the tall building in front of us.

**There are a bunch of levels of conscious thought, at least as far as I experience them, saying things out loud is one of the last/most conscious ones…writing them down might be even more so, but that is another post.

***I don’t come close to fully understanding this analogy yet.  Another post.

4 thoughts on “Post Alpha

  1. Is lowering the water level of consciousness analogous to reducing the complexity
    of one’s thoughts, or is it closer to reducing the number of concepts flowing at any
    given time, making it more likely that important ones will surface quickly?

  2. Is lowering the water level of consciousness analogous to reducing the complexity of one’s thoughts, or is it closer to reducing the number of concepts flowing at any given time, making it more likely that important ones will surface quickly?

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