When we last saw our heroes, they had just conquered the Thunderdome, and had gone to visit Serpent Mother as she rested. Our heroes decided to return to camp to regroup and rest for a while, before re-emerging to clean mirrors for the evening’s activities.
Our journey today starts with an interview, specifically the view from inside the interview[1]:

This seemed like a good moment to peruse the map that they had been given during the drive in. Note that the city is organized in concentric circles. The circles are the ‘cross streets’, labeled alphabetically from ‘Arcade’ to ‘Laffing Sal’ (with the innermost being ‘Esplanade’). The ‘spokes’ are numbered as if on a clock, from ‘2:00′ to ’10:00’, with the Man at the center of the clock, and the Temple at 12:00:

A recent addition is plazas interspersed amongst the rings, to make it easier to have groups of destination camps away from the Esplanade:

Some important things to know on playa:

The Hive! That’s us!:

Totenkitten. Right between 'ToneAge' and 'Toxic Disco Clam':

A mobile tiki bar by the portapotties, of course!


An expression of Coyote:

I’m not sure if S was commenting on clowns, clown moop, or the fact that the clown nose was blue. Irregardless[1], she was unamused:

Daily mirror cleanings make Mirror Blaze a bright(er) installation!:

Your challenge of the day! Scrute some of the inscrutable things people draw on fiery, dusty mirrors:

[1]’Irregardless’ will likely also unamuse her.
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