Burning Man in Pictures XXI: Exploring Straight Towards the Edge!

In our last post, the first night of the actual Burning Man festival had just ended, with Mirror Blaze bringing pleasure to hundreds, if not thousands[1].

So, what better way to celebrate a successful build, than to go out exploring, to experience some of the other art that other people had wrought!

But first, as always, a morning trip to the portapotties, with some eloquent commentary…:

An eloquent commentary on love and happiness.
An eloquent commentary on love and happiness.

…and some perhaps eloquent but also confusing commentary:


We then passed Circus Boot Camp, where we always saw various people practicing their various flying arts:

Circus Boot Camp.  For those who wish to teach their boots the trapeze.
Circus Boot Camp. For those who wish to teach their boots the trapeze.

Then, we passed the Contraptionists, who were very popular between 2:00 and 3:30 every day, when they would make[2] and give out snow cones:

Contraptionists!  Purveyors of snow cones and strange machinery!
Contraptionists! Purveyors of snow cones and strange machinery!

Turning onto a side street, we saw this little one[3] reminding us about the 5mi/hr speed limit[4]:

They're very serious about their work.  5mi/hr!
They’re very serious about their work. 5mi/hr!

Turning again, we saw this couch/bed observation deck. Unfortunately, the flag bear only had one head:

Bed/couch observation deck.  Unfortunately, the flag bear only had one head.
Bed/couch observation deck. Unfortunately, the flag bear only had one head.

Just before we made it out of the city, we saw something in the distance…Could it be…?


…It was! Mooncheese!


Leaving the city behind, we set out across the dusty plains. Here, our intrepid heroine encountered a sign. Of something:

Ruling the Earth.
Ruling the Earth.

Gazing along, you could perhaps start to see something a little larger than yourself, that looking at things in larger scale might bring you a slightly different perspective[5]…:

At the edge of the Earth.
At the edge of the Earth.

Next time, we go out even further, into deep playa! Stay tuned!

[1]My closest hand-waving estimate was about a thousand. If you see me repeating this number again and again, it’s because I’m surprised (and proud) every time.

[2]Using very cool all mechanical machines for shaving ice, so they wouldn’t need a power source. I think I have pics of this, but that’s later in the week!

[3]True story, we would later see them again in Amsterdam!

[4]Or perhaps they just liked waving flags. SLOW SEMAPHORE.

[5]Straight Edge by Ardent Heavy Industries. One of the coolest (and def. the largest scale) installations I’ve ever seen.

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