Burning Man in Pictures XIX: The Charnival Opens!

In our last post, the Charnival had just gone dark, waiting for opening hour (7pm on Sunday).

Now that it was dark, we could get a true idea of what Mirror Blaze would look like!

S climbs the lifeguard stand and gets into position by the Big Red Button!:

S climbs the lifeguard chair to take her place atop the MIRROR BLAZE!
S climbs the lifeguard chair to take her place atop the MIRROR BLAZE!

And we perform a flame test!:

Well, we try to, but this is what happens when you have multiple layers of safety. The glow fly[1] was on, but one of the quarter-turn safety shutoff valves (we had at least two that I remember, one at the fuel depot, and one right by the flame effect) was still closed.

Try again?:

Success! Cackling[2] ensues!

Next, you can see the bunting and a view of stage right/back of the maze in the dark:

Mirror Blaze, stage back/right, with bunting.
Mirror Blaze, stage back/right, with bunting.

Here’s an overhead view of stage left, with Francis the Fantastic on fire in the background providing illumination:

Mirror Blaze entrance/exit, with Francis the Fantastic providing illumination.
Mirror Blaze entrance/exit, with Francis the Fantastic providing illumination.

This is the video of Mirror Blaze that I show most often, as it’s short, and shows the striking difference between ‘totally dark’ and ‘on fire’:

While I was up in the chair, S took some time to explain the secrets of the Mirror Blaze to some unsuspecting passers-by:

S explains the secrets of the Mirror Blaze to unsuspecting passers-by.
S explains the secrets of the Mirror Blaze to unsuspecting passers-by.

And then we were open! Here’s a (very) short video of what nighttime burners look like navigating a fire mirror maze:


To end off, I’ll share my favourite picture of Mirror Blaze and the Charnival. I had thought it was taken by Matt, but I’m no longer sure, as there were a number of people who wanted to climb the lifeguard chair to take pictures. It might have been taken with S’s or someone else’s cellphone. (Please let me know so I can give proper attribution!) This is taken from the lifeguard chair overlooking Mirror Blaze, looking out over the Charnival:

Charnival from Mirror Blaze observation chair.  (l-r Riskee Ball, Charnival Barker's stand, dodecahedral art car?, Fire Tetris, Hellblazer, Go Fly some Flaming Clown Heads, Francis the Fantastic, Flamethrower Shooting Gallery, Pyrokinesis)
Charnival from Mirror Blaze observation chair. (l-r Riskee Ball, Charnival Barker’s stand, dodecahedral art car?, Fire Tetris, Hellblazer, Go Fly some Flaming Clown Heads, Francis the Fantastic, Flamethrower Shooting Gallery, Pyrokinesis)

Next time, Charlie visits again for a dance party!

[1]Honeywell ‘hot surface igniters’ or ‘Glow flies’ are the propane flame effect igniters of choice for Site 3 Fire Arts. They’re pricey, but reliable. Putting a wind/gas-directing shield around them helps protect them from wind and makes them more reliable (more pics of this later).

[2]Surprisingly, the cackling seems to have been coming from me.

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