Yesterday, we started construction, and then ended up investigating a traveling variable forklift chased by bicycles[1]:

Following the variable forklift, we came upon a large group of people involved in a strange ritual:

For some reason, it seemed to involve firing of an anvil into the air, and multiple cars up on variable forklifts:

Here you can see the aftermath of the ritual, none of which really made any sense:

Bewildered, we continued on our original quest, which was to commune with the Man:

Arriving back at camp, we were reminded of an experience earlier in the day, where we experienced one of those sublime moments, where you see a person totally focused on what they’re doing, and there’s almost a type of music:
The music of focus and solitude.
Arriving back at the Charnival, we saw that construction had progressed on Francis:

We went around the front for a better look:

As night fell on the Charnival, we finally nailed down placement, and started to build:

Pausing only for a moment to see our first art car of the season:

Success! We’ve built the first triangular section!:

With a successful day of acclimation and construction, we retire to our yurt with our number one fan:

Tomorrow: How’s the rest of the Charnival going, and Heavy Construction!
[1]If this seems a little Mad Max-esque, that’s because much of it is.
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